Greetings to all from Sahyadri Trust® and Sahyadri Polytechnic-Thirthahalli. Higher Education in any country is the basis of development. India is about to complete the first quarter of the 21st century and is dreaming big both internally andinternationally. Such being the case, it is imperative to restructure and improve higher education with a multi dimensional approach. India has been reiterating that the 21st century belongs to her.
In order to impart relevant and most effective higher education to the young minds who are the hope of tomorrow, we have accepted that quality is the language of higher education in the 21st century. Then the question as to what’s quality in higher education and what are the parameters of its assessment matter a lot. To say the least in this regard, we have institutions like NATIONAL ASSESSMENT And ACCREDITATION COUNCIL ( N A A C ),NATIONAL BOARD Of ACCREDITATION ( N B A ) and ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION ( A&A )in the recently implemented NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY ( N E P ) which are meant for the purpose.
The academic bodies like NAAC/NBA/A&A appointed by the UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ( U G C ) and the ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ( A I C T E ) periodically assess higher educational institutions like Universities, Degree Colleges -including general and technical – and Polytechnics. A higher educational institution is assessed on the basis of wholistic approach and graded accordingly. To put it differently, all aspects of higher educational institutions on the college campus are taken into account and graded. In order to have introspection of an institution’s academic performance and to leap forward every higher educational institution has got to establish INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL ( I Q A C ) on its campus for which we are not an exception. The founding fathers of Sahyadri Polytechnic – Thirthahalli like Late. Shri. M.R. Dharme Gowda, Late Shri. B. S. Vishwanathan, Late Dr.B.N.Rangappa and Late Shri.D.B.Chandre Gowda had genuine concern for the meritorious young minds of Malenadu that they should be imparted good technical education. In order to realize this meaningful academic dream, the sons of the soil established SAHYADRI POLYTECHNIC at Thirthahalli way back in 1985. Then, the SAHYADRI TRUST created to manage the affairs of Sahyadri Polytechnic has been doing its best to impart quality education to the aspiring and economically backward students of Malenadu region.
While administring the affairs of the Sahyadri Trust that runs the lone Sahyadri Polytechnic College Shri.Arror Ramesh Rao and others upheld the ideals nurtured by the founding fathers. Presently, the Sahyadri Trust is efficiently managed by Shri.K.K.Nagaraj, the President and Smt.Anitha Nagaraj, the Secretary. They have shared the dreams of their predecessors and wish to go ahead to achieve much more in the years to come.
Management is one of the important components like the Government, the Teachers and the Alumni in promoting higher education. In its meaningful and long existence of 40 years Sahyadri Polytechnic College has educated and trained thousands of students who are spread across the broad spectrum of the society since decades.
Thousands of Alumni who are working and serving in many companies, different Government Departments, self established concerns are thriving like anything as proud products of our esteemed institution. Their uncommon feats in different walks of life are a great motivation for our present students studying in different Departments like MECHINICAL, CIVIL, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE and ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION. Realizing the importance of quality of our academics and complimentary aspects of the same to be ascertained by the NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCREDITATION ( N B A ), we have already started the process of preparation for the same. One of the areas that the N B A looks into while assessing an institution is Alumni and their contributions for the development of the institution they have studied in. Therefore, our college decided to have an organized forum of Alumni to serve the purpose. Not that the Alumni have not extended their support to the college before, nor does it mean that they are not doing any activities elsewhere. Our intention is to properly and perennially make use of the rich experience, wonderful skills, great insights, extraordinary dynamism and rare entrepreneurship that our Alumni have for the academic development of our institution. In the process, a continuous contact, dialogue and action will be possible between the institution and the Alumni resulting in the genesis of new ideas and insights for the evolution of the institution with a fresh academic approach.
The college in consultation with technical experts has already prepared the blue print of the Alumni Association. The same is to be officially registered at the earliest to speed up our academic activities towards the assessment by the NBA. It is our great fortunate that some of the Alumni are the employees of our institution working towards the formation of Alumni Association in the college. Before registration it is mandatory to have formed the Executive Committee ( E C ). We expect our Alumni working in different capacities at different places to be the active members of the proposed Association.
Keeping in view the practical situations for the effective functioning of the Alumni Association, we intend to have 50% of the Executive Committee Members chosen/ elected from our institution only. We are very clear in our mind that, by doing so, we don’t wish to dominate the Association, nor do we expect the Alumni to be only as the source of income. In fact, with regard to accreditation by the NBA, there will have to be held compulsory meetings every month of the Alumni Association. Each meeting requires the quorum to conduct the deliberations without which the meeting can not be conducted. In the event of the same, we can not afford to disturb too many office bearers of the Alumni Association if they are living in far off places. Therefore,in the wake of the same we wished to have the above arrangement made. We request you all to understand this point and kindly cooperate with us in registering the Alumni Association officially.
In the light of the same your opinions, views, perceptions and warm feelings are solicited and you are most welcome.
Thanking you all,
Smt.Anitha Nagaraj
Secretary -Sahyadri Trust®
Principal and Staff
Sahyadri Polytechnic
Shivamogga District
28th September 2024
Sahyadri Polytechnic Alumni Form:
[contact-form-7 id=”802″ title=”Alumni”]